Bible Conferences

The foremost purpose of these Bible Conferences is to honor and exalt Almighty God in all that is said and done. We desire that every word preached, and every song sung, be to the glory of God. It is the prayer of Home Baptist Church that God would manifest His glorious presence in a mighty way, and that God would reach down and save lost sinners, and that He would use the preached Word to greatly affect the hearts and lives of His people. We pray that God would strengthen and encourage our hearts to continue to earnestly contend for the faith, for which our Baptist forefathers so earnestly contended. That we would go from here more zealous, more courageous in His cause, and more in love with the Savior of our souls!

Clicking on an item in the Conference Index, to the right, will display the messages from the item selected. Some of the selections in the index have individual pages with an audio player and links to the files for downloading. Simply refer to the instructions on the individual pages for playing and downloading.

Most Recent Conference at H.M.B.C.

2024 BIBLE Conference
44th Home Baptist Church BIBLE Conference
Held Thursday, May 16th through Saturday, May 18th, 2024

Pastor Matthew Rowland

Thursday Evening: Robert Hugan, Dan Gordon
Friday - Morning: Larry Lafferty, Randy Titus
Afternoon: Wesley Titus, Mark Clark, Sr.
Evening: Irving Cummins, Randy Graber
Saturday - Morning: Paul Reynolds, Ryan Austin